
Theultimateencounterhelpertogiveyoufightinfothat'seasytoprocessataglance.DBMaimstofocusonwhat'shappeningtoyou,andwhatYOUneedto ...,2008年4月29日—DBMwillinformanyonewhowhispersyouduringabossfightthatyouarebusy.Thesemessagescontainthenameandhealthofthebossaswellas ...,Theultimateencounterhelpertogiveyoufightinfothat'seasytoprocessataglance.DBMaimstofocusonwhat'shappeningtoyou,andwhatYOUneedto .....

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) - Files

The ultimate encounter helper to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to ...

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)

2008年4月29日 — DBM will inform anyone who whispers you during a boss fight that you are busy. These messages contain the name and health of the boss as well as ...

Deadly Boss Mods : Raid Mods

The ultimate encounter helper to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to ...


This mod will add support for 5 man Dungeons and World Events, spanning Classic all the way to Dragonflight, to Deadly Boss Mods (DBM). Lua 17 10. Repositories.

[團隊] DBM 首領技能警報Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)

提供地城/團隊副本首領的技能提醒、倒數計時條和警報功能。小女孩快跑!是打團必備的插件。 ... 使用方法:點小地圖按鈕,或輸入/dbm 打開設定選項。

[團隊] 首領技能提醒Deadly Boss Mods

檔案名稱, 檔案版本, 檔案大小, 下載次數, 上傳時間, 註 記, 上傳者. DBM-10.2.28.zip 復興之種, 3.33 MB, 396, 2024-03-06, 三皈依. Deadly Boss Mods - 一可語音包 ...


2024年3月2日 — [新頭殼newtalk] 《魔獸世界》玩家對於「Deadly Boss Mods」(以下簡稱DBM)這款UI想必不陌生,該款UI功能強大讓玩家打副本BOSS變得更加輕鬆, ...


2022年3月21日 — 大家好我是安妮第一次在魔獸版PO文還請多指教最近和觀眾打本時無意間聊到DBM 於是觀眾就開玩笑說如果安妮出DBM一定會用我本身也是做聲音相關 ...